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Men’s Skin Care

Who says aesthetic skin care is only suited for women? Not us! From laser skin care to neurotoxins and daily skin care, The Center is proud to offer a range of products and services tailored specifically for men.

When you look your best, you feel good! These procedures can help you look younger and fresher, giving you a boost in confidence and helping you soar. And all men’s skin care procedures are performed by our skin care professionals with specialized training in issues specific to men’s skin.

Come in for a FREE Visia® Skin Care Analysis, where your skin will be evaluated in 6 key areas—from wrinkles to sun damage—and then let our skin care professionals tailor a plan that’s ideal for you.

Men’s Laser Skin Care Services

Halo™ Hybrid Fractional Laser
A combination of deep dermal rejuvenation and epidermal renewal. For improving skin tone and texture, discoloration, reduction of fine lines and pore size and increased skin reflectivity and glow.

Micro Laser Peel
For unparalleled wrinkle reduction and improvements in skin tone and texture.

Profractional Laser Treatment
For treatment of wrinkles, scars, and sun damage.

Forever Young BBL
Broadband light targets sun damage, broken capillaries, and tightens sagging skin on the face and neck.

Laser Hair Reduction
Safely and effectively reduce hair growth on any skin type with little to no downtime. A series of 6 treatments are required for significant reduction.

Skin Tyte
For firmer, more youthful looking skin—primarily for use on the lower face and neck.

Men’s Aesthetic Skin Care Services

Glytone Gylcolic Acid Peel
One of the least invasive ways to improve skin tone and texture. Glytone uses a naturally-occurring alpha-hydroxy acid solution to exfoliate and promote cell turnover for healthy skin.

Men’s Facials
Refresh your face and feel great with cleansing, exfoliation and light massage. Facials are customized for your skin type.

Men’s Botox® Cosmetic Injections
A non-surgical approach to reduce the deep and fine lines of the face.

Men’s Dermal Fillers
A non-surgical approach to diminish facial lines and restore volume and fullness in the face.

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Follow up your treatments with professional skin care products by Avène, Neocutis and Glytone, specifically formulated for men. Skin cleansers, anti-aging serums, acne control and shaving supplies—our professionals can help you select the products that work best for your skin type and tone.


Call 231.929.7700 to schedule your FREE Visia Skin Care Analysis or to make an appointment.